Copper Country
Hockey TimeLine
is considered the Birthplace of
Organized Professional Hockey
and Home of the World's First All Professional Hockey Team!
Copper Country Hockey History, choose time...
1880s | 1890s | 1900s | 1910s | 1920s | 1930s | 1940s | 1950s | 1960s | 1970s | 1980s | 1990s | 2000s | 2005 to now |
Click here for Table of Contents
This page is still under construction, so check back often! see below:
Do not make copies of these pictures.
here to see a page of local hockey legends who have played here over the
years: Alphabetically: A-C,
D-H, I-N, O-S, T-Z.
Here is another web site on early hockey history:
It has an enormous amount of hockey history on it starting from the days when a
sport played by Natives and early Canadian settlers with sticks and a ball moved from
turf fields to frozen ice surfaces. It documents with pictures and articles those
early days all the way through to hockey as we know it today.
webmaster if you have any suggestions/corrections/additions/questions about this web page.
Web Page designed, researched and maintained by Connie Julien
2003-2011 do not copy pictures or content