Click here for Table of Contents Copper Country Hockey History, choose time...
1930's During the mid 1930's there was a league of women's hockey teams who played before the Senior Men's league games. The North end women's league (CLK area) included: South Side Bandits of Laurium, Pine Street, Raymbaultown, and the Tamarack / Yellow Jacket team. A South end league included: a Hurontown girls team, Quincy team, the Flying Sextet of Painesdale, .... need more info here.
1934 The first Michigan Tech Winter Carnival snow statue was that of an eight foot tall hockey player built by Hancock resident and Tech student, Jud Bentley.
1939 The Gibson Cup was created for the Champion of the Northern Michigan-Ontario semi-pro hockey league in the 1938-39 season. The Cup, called the Stanley Cup of the North is the 3rd oldest Hockey Cup in North America. The Cup itself measures 24 inches high without the base, it is 16 inches wide at the outside of the handles, and weighs 12 3/4 pounds of silver; the wooden base is 14 inches square. It's purchase price was ... (please contact the webmaster if you know the purchase price.) It was named after Hockey Hall of Famer, John L. (Doc) Gibson, the first captain and leading scorer of the Portage Lake Pro Team. The Portage Lake Team was the first team to win the Gibson Cup in the 1938-39 season. The American Sault Indians then won it three years in a row. Competition for the cup ceased during WWII. Calumet won the Cup for the first time in 1947. The Portage Lake - Calumet rivalry for the cup began in 1968, after a lapse of 10 years when competition for the cup was inactive. The Cup has been awarded to the winner of the Portage Lake vs Calumet Senior Men's teams tournament series for over 35 years now. |
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