Ipson, born in 1956 in --, is in his 17th year as the head
trainer for the Michigan Tech men’s ice hockey team. He got his start in
the Central Hockey League, working as head trainer for the Fort Worth
Texans in 1981, the Wichita Wind in 1982, and the Montana Magic in 1983,
before advancing to the NHL level where he spent the four years prior to
coming to MTU as the head trainer for the New Jersey Devils. He is a
member of the National Athletic Trainers Association and the American
College of Sports Medicine, and an instructor for the American Heart
Association. As Head Athletic Trainer for Team USA In-Line Hockey
Team, he
received a Gold Medal along with the team when they won the 2004 World Championships, International Ice Hockey Federation,
in Germany.
Chris Ipson
MTU Trainer
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