State and National Championship Ice Hockey Teams
From the Copper Country!
CHAMPS | Click here for Table of Contents |
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Champs of the John MacInnes Holiday Hockey Classic, a High School Tournament
held in December at the John MacInnes Student Ice Rink in Houghton; between U.P
HS teams Houghton, Hancock, Calumet and Sault Ste Marie, Michigan.
If you have any pictures or information or know of any other
local teams who won State or National Championship titles, please Contact
the webmaster,
Thank you!!
on pictures to view larger image!
Do not make copies
of these images!
1903-04 The 1904
Portage Lake team won the American Championship over the Pittsburgh Victorias and
the World Championship over the Montreal Wanderers. During this season, in 25
games, they scored 258 goals and allowed only 49, with only 2 defeats. J.L.
"Doc" Gibson was the leading scorer.
Their home ice was the original Amphidrome in Houghton.
1904 Hancock Central High School won the Michigan
Championship Title. Members of this 1904 Hancock High School Team were:
Back Row L to R: Meyers, manager; Waara, center; J. Linder, Captain
& rover; Carrigan, point. |
1906 Hancock Central High School won the Michigan
Championship Title. Members of this 1905-06 Hancock High School Team were:
Top Row Lt to Rt: NicKila -Point, M.J. Walsh -Mgr., J. Lilnder -Coach,
G. Linder -Center, Goldsworthy -R.Wing. |
1905-06 The Portage Lake team won the International Hockey
League Championship Title. This Portage Lake team sent word to the Stanley Cup Committee Board of
Governors challenging Montreal to a
championship; they were denied the opportunity because of the Portage Lake
team's Professional status.
here is this Portage Lake team: "Champion 1906 International
League" clock wise from top left corner: Bruce Stuart -captain & center, Barney Holden -cover point, .. McNemara -manager, "Grindy" Forrester -point, Riley Hern -goalie, Joe Hall -right wing, Harry Bright -rover, James Duggan -trainer, Walter A. Forrest -spare, Fred Taylor -rover, Fred Lake -left wing. There is a picture of the Amphidrome ice rink in the middle, it says " Home of the Portage Lake Hockey Team" |
1912-13 Portage Lake won the U.S. Amateur Championship after defeating Cleveland. Their coach was .... their season record was .... and their home ice was the original Amphidrome in Houghton.
Members of this 1912 Portage Lake team
were: Top Row Lt to Rt: J.M. Croze -Mgr, C? Hog? -C.Point, W.Trathen -Point. Seated Lt to Rt: Exley -R.Wing, L. Haas -Center, C. Haug -Goal, O? Chaput -Rover, E.Sicotte -L.Wing. Please Contact the webmaster if you have a better copy of this picture or have more info about this team. |
1912? Portage Lake U.S. Champions! ![]() |
1924 Hancock High School |
1925 Hancock High School won the State Championship Title.
Their coach was Don Crawford, their season record was ... and their home
ice was the Amphidrome in Houghton. |
Please Contact the webmaster if you have more info on this team or a better copy of this picture. |
1934-35 Houghton Wolverines won the Class D State
Championship Title. Members of this team were: Back Row L to R: G. H. Richards, Coach Joe Abb, Godfrey Johnson, R. Bonefant, B. Ruelle, Mgr. S. Kestner. Front Row: R. Robillard, R. Kestner, S. Meyers, B. Ruhl, J. McLean. H. Kestner -Mascot. |
1947-48 The Portage Lake Hockey Club won the M.O.W. Hockey League Championship Title and the "Doc" Gibson Cup. Their home ice was the Dee Stadium in Houghton (i.e. the Amphidrome which had been renamed after James R. Dee in 1943 when Michigan Tech purchased it.)
Members of this 1947-48 Portage Lake Team were: Top Left: Joseph Bukovich
Bernard Ruelle -Forward, James Mosienko -Forward, Wilbert Sivonen -Goal, Mike
Bukovich -Defense. 2nd row: William Lindstrom -Forward, William Kolehmainen -Forward, John Plesch -Forward, Ernest Klingbeil -Cap'n Defense, Jack Ruelle -Forward. 3rd row: Neil McLean -Forward, Pete Pisnook -Defense. 4th row: Douglas Peterson -Forward, Wilbert Savela -Forward. 5th bottom row: George Richards -Sec'y, Herman Gundlach -Vice Pres, Milton Joffee -Pres, Warner Rantala -Trainer. |
1955 The Portage Lake Pioneers won the National Senior Championship Title at the U.S. Amateur Tournament in Lewiston, Maine. Their coach was ..... and their home ice was the Dee Stadium in Houghton. Members of this team were.... Please Contact the webmaster if you have more info or a picture of this team!
Please Contact the webmaster if you have the players names, more info or an original picture of this team!
1955-56 East Houghton PeeWees |
1955-56 (from Ch bk) The Copper Country Bantams, sponsored by Gundlach Contractors, won the State Championship Title and National Championship Titles. Their coach was ..... and their home ice was the Dee Stadium in Houghton. The UP Finals were at Marquette: Gundlach's 3 Soo 1. State and National Finals were at the Olympia rink in Detroit; Gundlach's 5 Ann Arbor 2.
Members of this 1955-56 Copper Country Bantam team were:
Top Row L-R: R Banfield, Paul Coppo -Coach, W Fournier, R O'Brien, M
Coppo, Earl Gorman -Coach & Mgr. Middle Row L-R: M Gorman, R Mikkola, R Sibilsky, D McCullough, G Wenberg, A Wuorinen. D Banfield, B Riutta, J Townsend. Kneeling L-R: William Bingham, R Mikesch, Richard Richards. Absent from Photo A Wiitanen. |
1955-56 |
1957 (from Ch bk) The Portage Lake Houghton Bantams, sponsored by Gundlach Contractors, won the State Championship Title and went on to win the National Championship Title. Their coach was ..... and their home ice was the Dee Stadium in Houghton. The UP Finals were at the Soo: Gundlach's 6 Cadillac 0; Gundlach's 4 Soo 2. State and National Finals were at the Olympia rink in Detroit; Gundlach's 1 Detroit 0. Members of this team were: .... Please Contact the webmaster if you have more info or a picture of this team!
1957 The Houghton Juveniles, sponsored by the Houghton Lions, won the State Championship Title and went on to win the National Championship Title. Their coach was ..... and their home ice was the Dee Stadium in Houghton. Members of this team were: .... Please Contact the webmaster if you have more info or a picture of this team!
1958 The local Dollar Bay VFW PeeWee team won the State Championship Title and went on to win the National? Championship Title. Their coach was ..... and their home ice was the Dee Stadium in Houghton. (from Ch bk:) The UP Finals were at Houghton: Dollar Bay 8 Calumet 1; Dollar Bay 3 Soo 2. VFW State Finals at Wakefield: Dollar Bay 8 Marquette 1; Dollar Bay 3 Soo 0. State Finals at Soo: Dollar Bay 5 Detroit 3. Members of this team were: .... Please Contact the webmaster if you have more info or a picture of this team!
1958 (from Ch bk) The Copper Country Bantams, sponsored by Gundlach Contractors, won the State Championship Title and? the National? Championship Title. Their coach was ..... and their home ice was the Dee Stadium in Houghton. The UP Finals were at Houghton: Gundlach's 4 Calumet Murphy Motors 2; Gundlach's 3 Marquette Elks 1. State and National? Finals were at the Soo; Gundlach's 4 Detroit 3.
Members of this 1957-58 Gundlach Bantams team were: Coach Earl Gorman & Alfred
Brey. Standing L-R: Gary Houle, Bill Heinonen, Jim Huivonen, Mike Gorman, Gary Brey, -?, Wally Wiitanen, David Monticello. Seated L-R: George Houle, Stanley Olson, Jim Hebner, Jack Colombe, David Hermanson, J. Butkonen. |
1958 The Hancock Laurn-Grove Juniors, won the State Championship Title. Members of this team were: .... Please contact the webmaster if you have more info or a picture of this team!
1959 The local Dollar Bay VFW PeeWee team won the State
Championship Title and National Championship
Titles. Their
coaches were Andy Wiitanen & Earl Gorman, and their home
ice was the Dee Stadium in Houghton. (from Ch bk:) UP Finals were at the Soo:
Dollar Bay 3 Soo 2 (OT); VFW State Finals at Escanaba: Dollar By 13
Escanaba 0; Dollar Bay 4 Soo 2. State Finals at Lansing: Dollar Bay 5
Detroit 4. United States Finals at Houghton: Dollar Bay 7 Soo 0, Dollar
Bay 9 New York -Massina 2; Dollar Bay 3 Grand Forks -ND 2.
(from Ch bk:) "The ages of the players were of such a nature that the players on the picture played on both the Gundlach Bantams and the Dollar Bay PeeWees within this five year span. Coaches of these two teams were: Rod Paavola, Earl Gorman, R Tapani, Paul Coppo, Andy Wiitanen, Alfred Brey, Joe Houle.
Need better copy of this picture. |
1958-59 Dollar Bay PeeWee State & National Champs ![]() Standing L-R: Andy Wiitanen -coach, Ray Kolehmainen, Charles Lucchesi, Dennis McCullough, Mike Coppo, Bruce Riutta, David Simonson, Michael Gorman, Gary Brey, Earl Gorman -coach. Seated L-R: Keith Destrampe, John Mikkola, Tom Bernard, Bud Banfield, Paul Butkovich, John Wiegrand, Edward Zellner. missing from photo Jack Colombe. Photo from Chassell Smelt Jamboree book April 1959 |
1959 (from Ch bk) The Portage Lake Juveniles won the International Title in Duluth, MN. "Portage Lake became the second American team to win the International Juvenile hockey tournament with a 5-3 victory over Fort William, Ontario. It was the third triumph without a defeat for Portage Lake in the four-team round robin. Only other American team to win the title since the tournament was started in 1952 was Marquette, three years ago."
1960 The Hancock Laurn-Grove, Juveniles, won the State Championship
Title for the second year in a row. |
1959-60 Laurn Grove Juveniles State Champions ![]() Standing L-R: Bob Treglowne -Pres of LG club, Bon Banfield, Leo Durocher, Ron Mikkola, James Honkanen, Mike Zerbst, Charley Mason, Bob Mikesch, Tom Geborkoff, Richard Brey, Larry Hansen, Reijo Vuorinen, Bill Fournier, Jack Ploff -Mgr. Kneeling L-R: Bill Bingham, Joe Houle -Coach, Jim Houle. Photo from Chassell Smelt Jamboree book April 1960 |
1960 The Copper Country Flyers, won the Senior Men's State Championship Title. Members of this team were: .... Please Contact the webmaster if you have more info or a picture of this team!
1962 Michigan Tech University won the WCAA Championship and the NCAA National Hockey Championship and for the first time Tech won the MacNaughton Cup. Their season record was: Overall: 29-3-0 WCHA Record: 17-3-0; they were coached by John MacInnes. Their home ice was the Dee Stadium in Houghton. |
1961-62 MTU National Champs! |
Michigan Tech University won the WCAA Championship, the NCAA National Hockey Championship and the MacNaughton Cup. Their
season record was: Overall: 24-5-2 WCHA Record: 12-5-2; they were coached by John MacInnes. Their home ice was the Dee Stadium in Houghton. |
Top Row L-R: Dave
Confrey, Colin Patterson, Mike Gorman, Joe Galetto, Ed Caterer, Steve
Yashino. |
Michigan Tech University won the WCHA Championship title. Their season record was: Overall: 23-6-1 WCHA Record: 15-4-1; they were coached by John MacInnes. Their home ice was the Dee Stadium in Houghton. |
1965-66 MTU Champ Team |
1968 Michigan Tech University Hockey Team won the Great Lakes Invitational for the first time. They won it again in 1970, 1971, 1974 and they won the GLI title 5 years in a row in 1976, 77, 78, 79, 80. There were 21,756 fans in 1984 at the Joe Louis arena to watch the Michigan Tech team play Michigan State at the GLI, the most people to ever witness a hockey game in North American history. Michigan Tech has hosted the GLI since they founded it in 1965.
1969 Michigan Tech University won the WCHA Championship title. Their season record was: Overall: 21-9-2 WCHA Record: 14-5-1 and were coached by John MacInnes. Their home ice was the Dee Stadium in Houghton.
1970 The Portage Lake Flyers, won the Intermediate Division State Championship Title. Their coach was ..... and their season record was ... their home ice was the Dee Stadium in Houghton. Members of this team were: .... Please Contact the webmaster if you have more info or a picture of this team!
1971 Michigan Tech University won the WCHA Championship title. Their season record was Overall: 25-6-2 WCHA Record: 18-4-0; they were coached by John MacInnes. Their home ice was the Dee Stadium in Houghton.
1974 Michigan Tech University won the WCHA Championship title. Their season record was: Overall: 28-9-3 CCHA Record: 20-6-2; they were coached by John MacInnes. Their home ice was the newly constructed (1972) John MacInnes Student Ice Arena at Michigan Tech.
1975 Michigan Tech University won the NCAA National Hockey Championship. Their season record was: Overall: 32-10-0 WCHA Record: 22-10-0; they were coached by John MacInnes. Their home ice was the John MacInnes Student Ice Arena at Michigan Tech. |
1974-75 |
Michigan Tech University won the WCHA Championship title.
Their season record was: Overall: 34-9-0 CCHA Record: 25-7-0; they were
coached by John MacInnes. Their home ice was the John
MacInnes Student Ice Arena at Michigan Tech.
1977-78 The Houghton Angels girls hockey team, members of the Copper Country Junior Hockey Association, were the State Championship runners up. Their home ice was ..... They were coached by Paul Tussing and Brian McLean.
1978 The Copper Country Junior Hockey Association Squirt A team, sponsored by Hancock Goodell Oil, won the State Championship title. Their home ice was the Dee Stadium and the Houghton County Ice Arena. Their record for the season was 26-8-6, they were coached by Paul Tussing, Sr. and assisted by Pete Pyykkonen.
1980 The nearby L'Anse Bantam B team won the State Championship Title. Members of this team were: .... Please Contact the webmaster if you have more info or a picture of this team!
1982 The nearby L'Anse VFW PeeWee B team won the State Championship Title. Members of this team were: .... Please Contact the webmaster if you have more info or a picture of this team!
1982 The nearby C-L-K (Calumet-Laurium-Keweenaw) Electronics, Midget A team won the State Championship Title. Members of this team were: .... Please Contact the webmaster if you have more info or a picture of this team!
1982 Houghton High School, coached by Don Miller, won the State Hockey Championship in Class B-C-D by beating Flint Powers Catholic by a score of 6-2. Their home ice was the Dee Stadium. Their record for the season was ?
Members of this 1982 Houghton HS team were: Standing: Rod Paavola -Asst. Coach, Jaysen Salo -Stats, Rick Robillard, Tracy Hokenson, Tim Gerrish, Bill Hauswirth, Joe Burcar, Mark Morin, Karry Datto, Keith Lefebvre, John Monticello, Don Miller -Head Coach. Seated: Jay Monticello -Mgr., John Mahr, Tim Ovist, Marty McGrath, Bill Seiler, Mike Archambeau, Charles Field, Dennis Erva, Brett Haines, John Williamson, Tom McCarthy -Mgr. |
1987 Copper Country Junior Hockey PeeWee A team won the State Championship. The team was coached by Bob Mikesch and sponsored by Jim's Food Mart. Please contact webmaster if you have a info or a picture of this team! Players included: Corey Markham.....
1989 Calumet C-L-K Junior Hockey PeeWee A team won the State Championship. The team was coached by .... and sponsored by Calumet Lions. Please contact webmaster if you have a info or a picture of this team!
1990 Calumet C-L-K Junior Hockey PeeWee AA team won the State Championship, the first Michigan team to win back to back State Championships. The team was coached by .... and sponsored by Calumet Lions. Please Contact the webmaster if you have a info or a picture of this team!
1992 Calumet Copper Kings High School won the State Hockey Championship in Class B-C-D by a score of 8-0 over Riverview Gabriel Richard. Their home ice was the Calumet Armory. Coached by Jim Crawford, their record for the season was 24-2-1.
Members of this
1992 Calumet Copper Kings HS team were: top row Lt to Rt: Coach Jim Crawford, Mike Rowe,
Brian Talvensaari, Kevin Coppo, Joe Goulette, Jasen Rintala, Kurt Erkkila,
Korey Rowe. Middle Row: Fred Soeberg -Mgr, Jason Tuoriniemi, Damon Beiring, Gregg Murphy, Bryan Rost, Gregg Kingstrom, Craig Poshak -Mgr, Chris Koskiniemi -Mgr, Assist Coach Paul Lehto. Sitting: Jeff Leppen, Brian Poshak, Mike Jukuri, Mark Pomroy, Jon Giachino. |
1993 Calumet Copper Kings High School won the State Hockey Championship in Class B-C-D. In the State Finals in Flint, they beat Allen Park-Cabrini 4-3 in double overtime, and beat Flint Powers by 13-0, bringing home the State Championship for the 2nd year in a row! Their home ice was the Calumet Armory. Coached by Jim Crawford, their record for the season was 26-1-0. They were also winners of the Copper Island Classic.
Members of this
1992-93 Calumet Copper Kings HS team were:
Back Row L-R: Kevin Outinen, Peter Berg, Carl Arko, Marc Pomroy, Brian
Talvensaari. |
1996 Calumet Copper Kings High School won the State Hockey Championship in Class B-C-D by a score of 2-1 over Bloomfield Hills Cranbrook-Kingswood. Their home ice was The Calumet Armory. Coached by Jim Crawford, their record for the season was 22-4-1.
Members of this
1995-1996 Calumet Copper Kings HS team were: Back Row L-R: Brad Bonen, Justin Junttila, Bobby Williams, Steve Plante. Middle Row L-R: Coach Jim Crawford, Joel Isaacson, Bobby Richards, Jesse Rintala, Bobby Rangus, Craig Hamlin, Ben Halonen, John Sturos, Coach Paul Lehto. Seated L-R: Mgr- Jon Primeau, Ted Laurie, Stefan Kersher, Ian Hodges, Kurt Porter, Brian Carlson, Darin Johnson, Craig Poshak. |
1997 The nearby L'Anse Squirt B team won the State Championship Title. Members of this team were: .... Please Contact the webmaster if you have more info or a picture of this team!
1998 Calumet Copper Kings High School won the State Hockey Championship in Class B-C-D by a score of 6-3 over Bloomfield Hills Cranbrook-Kingswood. Coached by Jim Crawford, their record for the season was 25-4-0. Their home ice was the Calumet Armory.
of this 1998 Calumet Copper Kings HS team were: Top row Lt to Rt: Jason Goulette, Bob Rangus, Dan Giachino, Josh Tikkanen. Middle Row L to Rt: Kurt Abramson -Mgr, Coach Jim Crawford, Sean Harjala, Jim Heminen, Tim Helminen, Brad Bonen, Keven Hamlin, Nick Rilei, Jeremy Junttonen, Assistant Coach Paul Lehto. Sitting L to Rt: Tim Vertin -Mgr, Luke Timmons, Tedd Laurie, Joseph "Buckey" Marcotte, Scott Hyrkas, Brian Carlson, Jesse Caron -Mgr. |
1999 Hancock High School won the State Hockey Championship in Class B-C-D by a score of 7-3 over Big Rapids. Coached by Rick Miller, their record for the season was 16-13-0. Their home ice was the Houghton County Arena in Hancock.
1999 The Portage Lake Pioneers won the Senior Men's U.S. State and then the National Championship Title. "The Pioneers finished the season 36-1-0 and were USA National Champions. Pioneer records were set by Justin Marcum in scoring with 110 Points, Goals Scored by Dave Thorager with 64, and assists by Justin Markham with 65. Jeff Adler had 24 wins and Jeff Markham finished undefeated at 12-0. The pioneers dominated senior hockey by averaging over 10 goals a game. Nationals were closer but the neers breezed through for their first national title in team history." Their player/coach was Mike Hauswirth and manager was Cathy Lucchesi; their home ice was the Dee Stadium.
Members of the 1999 Portage Lake Pioneers
team were: Top Row Lt to Rt: Pat McCarthy -Def, Mark Maroste -For, Scott
Mikesch. Middle Row Lt to Rt: Ken (Epper) Savela -Equip Mgr, Steve Bates -Ast. Equip Mgr, Jeremy Rintala -For, Casey Hagbo -Def, Buster Roberts -For, Ross Rinkinen -Def, Mark Pietila -For, Justin Niemi -For, Timm Carlson -For, Jim Pietila, Craig Biekkola -For, Dan Juopperi (9) -Def, John Rajala -For, Corey Markham -For, Mike Hauswirth -Coach -For, Cathy Lucchesi -Mgr. Kneeling: Kevin Manninen, David Thorager -For, Jamey Markham (24) -Def, Austin Kryser (20), Jeff Markham -Goalie, Jon French -Def, Jim Barroga -Ast. Equip Mgr, Lee DeForge (5) -For, Justin Marcum -For, Brandon Ollanketo -For. |
2001 The Portage Lake Pioneers won the Senior Men's U.S. State Championship Title. Their coach was ..... and their home ice was the Dee Stadium in Houghton. Members of this team were: .... Please Contact the webmaster if you have more info or a picture of this team!
2002 The Calumet Wolverines won the Senior Men's U.S. State Championship Title and the National?? Championship Title. Their coach was ..... and their season record was.... their home ice was the Calumet Armory.
Members of this 2002 Calumet Wolverines team
were: Top row Lt to Rt:.... .... Please Contact the webmaster if you have the players names. |
2001-02 Calumet Wolverines National Champs ![]() |
2003 Calumet Copper Kings High School, coached by Jim Crawford, won the State Hockey Championship in Class B-C-D by a score of 3-1 over Riverview Gabriel Richard. Their record for the season was .... . Their home ice was the Calumet Armory.
Members of this
2003 Calumet Copper Kings HS team were: top row Lt to Rt: Jake
Parske-Sergot, Gust Juntilla, Matt Helminen, Brett Randell, Trevor
Poyhonen. Mid row: Asst.Coach Darryl Pierce, Coach Jim Crawford, Mike Yeo, Chris Kitti, Josh Frantti, John Maki, Kyle Jarvi, Jeff James, Asst.Coach Glenn Patrick, Mgr. Brad Pelli. Seated: Ryan Patrick, Jeffrey Erkkila, Lorn Randell, Aric Danis, Joe Juntilla. |
2003 Calumet Wolverines won the Adult U.S. National Championship Title with a score of 4-2 over Detroit. The Wolverines finished the season with a --_--_-- record. Their coach was.... their home ice was the Calumet Armory. Members of this team were: ....Please Contact the webmaster if you have more info or a picture of this team!
Contact the webmaster if you have any suggestions/corrections/additions/questions about this web page.
Web Page designed, researched and maintained by Connie Julien
copyright 2003-2011